In recent years due to increasing risks and violence to frontline medical staff, Personal duress system deployments in NSW Local Health Districts have grown.
The installation of duress systems is controlled by NSW Health policy “Protecting People and Property (PPP)”. Personal duress alarms are specifically dealt with by section 11 of the policy and are a complex technology solution with body worn physical components dependent on RTLS Wi-Fi technologies and complex staff processes. To meet PPP policy requirements LHD’s (as per section 8) should: –
- “undertake audits of facilities within a two–year audit cycle….”.
- “ensure security audits are undertaken by a team who are independent of the facility being audited.”
- “Audits are to be carried out by a team that includes as a minimum a person with a security licence and extensive health care security experience“
Security licensing
In NSW, licensing is governed by the police force specifically SLED. Operational license types dictate the type of activity an individual can perform. For Audit purposes this is a Class 2 Security license. Specifically, this is a Class 2A Security consultant.
In NSW before engaging entities (individuals or companies) to perform security work, entities must be correctly licensed for the activities they will perform or penalties may apply. Under Section 2 of the health policy “LHD Contract Managers” are specifically responsible for ensuring compliance to security licencing. Check Here!
Broad encompassing roles such as supplying vendor or hired “Project manager” may require many aspects of individual license classes. If an entity is not properly licensed and found making security recommendations or supplying services requiring a security license (such as duress), LHD’s may find themselves in breach of policy and state law. Read the PPP policy and be familiar with NSW security licencing is the best advice.
For auditing, in addition to policy and statutory requirements outlined, relevant expertise is required.
Sweep can help by supplying compliant facility auditors who have: –
- Independence from your facility required by the PPP policy.
- Operator Security licenses (Classes 2 A, B, C) for activities required by the PPP policy / SLED.
- Master License required by SLED.
- Engineering design experience in personal duress (risks, locations, quantities, etc).
- Technical skills in duress system installation, programming, and training (Olinqua, Durasuite, HETI).
- Engineering experience in duress commissioning for hospital go-live (ED’s, Mental Health, & Aged care!).
- Duress Audit experience in NSW Health giving a level of compliance to the NSW Health PPP policy.
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