Part of the completion process, Building commissioning is a quality assurance process that ensures a facility’s systems perform according to the design intent and owner’s requirements.

It involves a series of documentation, verification, testing, validation, and training activities that start in design and continue through construction and operation. It is coordinated by a commissioning authority or team. In a new building, commissioning systems is typically done in stages.

  1. System Vendor Inspection Test Plans (ITP’s)
  2. System Vendor & Developer ITP’s
  3. System Vendor, Developer & Client ITP’s

Sweep may represent the System vendor in developing the overall test framework and commissioning process.

Tier 1 Developers will typically use a commissioning agent (e.g. CCS) or rely on their Engineering firm to provide advice. Whilst engineers can advise a system is technically working, they may need assistance in confirming a system is operationally ready for a hospital go live with training and security team dependencies.

Clients often rely on their department manager. Great if they have used the system prior, but if this is a new system and they are managing the logistics of moving building at the same time and training staff, they may need help.

Drawn from experience auditing Personal Duress systems, Sweep can offer “Commissioning Services” to any party.

+61 411 570 774

When you need to make a solution operational please reach out.